Marine insurance shall provide insurance protection covers of goods, especially in international trade and compensation for damage to the insured for the loss of his goods during the movement within or between different countries, so that the insured can practice his trade again.
Types of marine insurance
It includes transported goods by sea or air.
The goods insurance is classified into three types clauses, A, B and C, in other words, called conditions A, B and C, they are covered against loss or damage to the insured goods caused by, fire, explosion, overturning, collision and other accidents happened to the vehicle/ conveyance such as leaving the roads involuntarily, crash, stuck, uploading of cargo in resort port and general loss or derailment.
Condition (A) exceeds conditions (B) and (C) by the number of risks covered, therefore the condition (A) is known as a comprehensive condition, but there are general exceptions which are:
Negligence, intentional fault, natural wear and tear, reduction of weight, inadequate packaging, self-defect resulting from the nature of goods and delay.
Insurance of internal transport
It covers goods transported by road, rail, rivers and lakes and also covers loss or damage resulting from fire, overturning of transportations means, deviation of rail wagons from track or sinking of river transport means, there are also other general exceptions including:
Self-defective of the goods, damages resulted from delay, shipping goods with inflammable and explosive materials, damages caused by rain water, theft, non-delivery, seizure, fraud and negligence, in addition to all types of war.
It is a prerequisite that the transportation means be a valid one, shipped in a sound manner and that the cargo shall not exceed the legally licensed weight.
Insurance of vessels and ship’s hull
It covers machines break down, collusion, piracy, sea rescue, burglary and fire. However, there are clubs for protection and compensation established by vessel owners to cover marine risk that are not covered by insurance companies, for examples:
Personal accident, passengers and crew luggage, and liability for sidewalk’s damage, barriers at ports and pollution due to leakage of material from ships.
(1) Goods insurance policies
(2) One voyage insurance policy (single)
A separate policy shall be issued for each trip; it covers only one trip, and the work ends as soon as the goods arrive into the insured warehouses and stores, as specified by the insurance policy.
(3) Floating policy
The insurance sum shall represent the value of all goods involved in the deal or goods desired to be covered by insurance.
The sum insured could be paid at once or in regular installments. The insured shall notify the company once he is aware of shipping.
In case of occurrence of an accident and it turned out that the insured was aware of shipping and he did not notify the company before shipping, the insured shall not deserve any compensation unless he proves good faith.
The company has the right to cancel the coverage granted at any time by giving the insured (30) days notice for marine risks and forty-eight hours (48) notice for war and disorders risks.
The most important features of the policy are that; they are not restricted to a defined period of time, but expire at the end of transporting of goods.
The premium is fixed and associated with the insurance sum as specified in the insurance policy.
(4) Open policy
It is an agreement by which the company undertakes to insure all consignments including the scope of contracts; provided that, the insured shall notify the company of all trips after becoming aware of the same as specified in the floating policy.
It covers goods imported or exported by the insured that are included in the policy scope of work during a specific period, the policy is restricted to a certain period (mostly one year), the insurance sum depends on estimation and premium shall be paid at 75% of the estimated sum insurance, however,
The policy shall be subject to settlement at the end of insurance policy.
(5) Insurance policy for local road transport
It includes goods transported by rail, trucks and rivers transportations means.
(6) Carrier liability insurance
This policy covers:
Damage or loss of goods while in their custody or under their responsibility.
Insurance of marine insurance policy:
(1) After opening a letter of credit with a bank, the insured and/ or the bank shall notify the insurance company of goods details, trip; insurance sum, type of coverage and any condition that may be required by the bank.
(2) The insured will complete an insurance proposal form with all required information.
(3) The insured shall furnish the company with the invoices, bill of lading, vessel’s name and other information.
(4) Then the policy will be issued and the insured shall make sure that the insurance policy matches with his desired coverage.
Compensation Procedures (in case of loss):
(1) The insured shall notify the insurance company (claim department) by telephone followed by a written notification of the damage of the insured goods, providing primary details of the damage that occurred.
(2) Required documents; the insured shall submit all original documents related to the accident insurance policy, commercial invoice, bill of lading, manifest in case of truck transport, packing list, customs declaration, certificate of origin, if the ship caused damage to the insurance goods, the insured or his representatives shall write a letter of protest to the vessel’s agent and/ or agent of airline or carrier and shall submit a police report in case of traffic accident and robbery, a report from Lloyd, however the insured shall assume the burden of proofing the damage with furnishing the company with any document evidencing the damage and indicating the responsible party.
(3) The company shall have the right to hiring of risk assessment expert to assess the damage in accordance with the directive and regulations issued by the insurance supervisory authority.
(4) The insured shall not assign its right to any party, nor shall he make any settlements without obtaining the company approval.
(5) The insured shall safe guard the salvage (goods harmed, or damage and dispose them of only after consulting the company.
أنواع التغطيات
وهي ثلاثة أنواع (أ ) ، (ب ) و (ج ) كالآتي:
تغطي الخسائر الكلية (فعلية وتقديرية) والخسائر الجزئية والعوارية العامة وتعتبر تغطية شاملة.الاستثناءات
تغطي الخسائر الكلية (فعلية وتقديرية) وتغطي العوارية العامة وتختلف عن الشرط (أ) في عدم تغطية الخسائر الجزئية إلا في الأحوال التالية:جنوح السفينة أو غرقها أو إحتراقها، فقد طرد بأكمله أو وحدة كاملة من البضاعة أثناء الشحن أو النقل من سفينة الى أخرى أو التفريغ، الخسائر والأضرار الناشئة عن حريق، إنفجار ، تصادم ، إحتكاك السفينة أو الوحدة الناقلة بأي جسم خارجي (بما في ذلك الجليد) ويستثنى من ذلك الماء وتفريغ البضاعة في ميناء الإغاثة.
تستثنى هذه الوثيقة الخسائر والتلفيات والفقد والمصاريف التى ثصرف بفعل مقصود من المؤمن له والتسرب العادى والنقص الطبيعى فى الوزن أو الحجم أو البلى أو التمزق والمصاريف التى تصرف فى عدم كفاية التغليف ويشمل التستيف فى الحاوية أو الشاحنة أو العيب الذاتى ومصاريف التأخير عدا مصاريف العوارية العامة ، والمصاريف الناتجة عن الاعسار والعجز المالى لملاك السفينة والضرر الناتج عن سلاح حربى انكسارى أو إنصهارى ذرى أو نووى وايضاً صلاحية الوحدة الناقلة وتستثنى الوثيقة أيضاً الخسائر الناتجة عن الحرب والحرب الاهلية والثورة والتمرد والعصيان المسلح أوالصراعات الاهلية وأى عمل عدائى من قوة محاربة والاستيلاء أو الحجز أو الايقاف أو المنع واعتصام العمال والمضربون وحوادث الشغب والاضرابات التى يسببها مدنيون أوشخص يعمل بدافع سياسى.
(ج )
تغطي الخسائر الكلية (فعلية وتقديرية) كما تغطي العوارية العامة .الخسائر الجزئية المغطاة بموجب الشروط (أ) و (ب) لايغطيها الشرط (ج) .(c)
العقد أو التلف والاضرار أو المصاريف التى تعزى إلى سوء تصرف مقصود التسرب العادى أو النقص الطبيعى فى الوزن أو الحجم/البلى الطبيعى والتمزق العادى للشىء/ المصاريف التى يكون سببها التغليف أو التجهيز او التستيف/ وايضاً تغطية العيب الذاتى او طبيعة الشىء والمصاريف الناتجة عن التأخير للشىء المؤمن ضد ما عدا المصاريف المستحقة بسبب الخسارة المشتركة (العوارية العامة ) الخسائر الناتجة عن استعمال أى سلاح حربى يستخدم فيه انشطار او انصهار ذرى أو نووى أو مادة مشعة ،عدم صلاحية السفينة أو المركب للملاحة أو الشاحنة أو أى وسيلة نقل أخرى.وتستثنى الوثيقة (ج) الخسائر الناتجة عن الحرب والحرب الاهلية والثورة أو التمرد أو العصيان المسلح والصراعات الاهلية أو أى عمل عدائى بقوة محاربة أو ضدها.لا يغطى هذا التأمين الاضرابات أو الشغب أوالعصيان المدنى أو اعتصام العمال أو ارهاب أو أى شخص يصل بدافع سياسى.واستخلاصاً لما سبق نرى أن كل الوثائق (أ ،ب ،ج ) تغطى جانب التلفيات فى البضائع المؤمنة بسبب المؤمن له فى الخسارة المشتركة (العوارية العامة ) ومصاريف الانقاذ وكذلك نصيب المؤمن له من المسئولية واصطدام السفن إذ فى هذه الحالة يتحمل اصحاب البضائع أو اصحاب السفينة أنصبتهم كل حسب قيمة مصلحته.ويمكن أن تضاف للتغطية المتضمنة فى شروط الوثيقة أ، ب،ج تغطيات أخطار الحرب حسب السعر الذى تحدده لجنة مختصة بذلك والتى تجتمع دورياً لتقرر التعديلات فى أسعار وتغطيات تأمين الحرب.